1. The 1st part of the application the community leader fills out. See the link below. Please write a letter of referral of why you think this applicant should be accepted. Explain how you know this person and how long you have known them. Also include the nature of their dental needs and what resources they have sought but not succeeded in getting.
2. The 2nd part of the application is for the patient. This application is to be filled out once a referral has been made. If this has been done, the applicant will receive an email with the form attached to it. Explain your story and why you are in need of dental care.
3. Patients will receive an email either matching them up with a dentist or saying we are unable to help them if we can’t match them up with a dentist. We are only the administrator in these steps and don’t make any health related decisions. If we can treat them, we will make arrangements between the patient and provider to start the treatment.